Benefits of Meditation 1
Meditation is important to the lives of everyone, not least the life of the householder, family life and life in society – contributing to peace in the world.
An Employer Should cherish His or Her Employees
The nadir, or the direction below us, represents the relationships we have with others as a result of earning our living or as a result of being an employer.
Artfulness In The Application of Knowledge.
The benefits we will get from planting apple trees depend o their productiveness. At the first period of planting called the pre-pro-ductivity stage, the apple trees have only trunks, branches and leaves.
What is the historical background of the Buddhist Lent season or rainy retreat and the activities of monks during these months?
This period of the year is known as the Buddhist Lent season or rainy retreat. I would like to know the historical background of this religious event and the activities of monks during these months.
Respect # 2
Respecting the Sangha means becoming aware of the goodness in the Sangha who have trained themselves well and prolong the life of Buddhism. One may pay respect by
Fruits of Merit
This benefit takes effects very quickly. Once we do good things, our mind becomes purer. We do not have to wait until the next life, but it occurs in our mind instantly.
Generosity # 2
When we die we can not carry anything with us, not even a single needle. The only way you can take wealth with you is by giving your wealth away in order to make merit
why do people like to do bad deeds, even though they know that it is not good and how can we correct this?
I would like to ask you why people like to do bad deeds, even though they know that it is not good. And how can we correct this?
Meditation is giving offenders an enlightened outlook on criminal behavior
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Artfulness in Application (3)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Third Group of Blessings. Blessing Eight :- Artfulness in Application